Instant post
This demo engages the loaded host in a relative way, the back button returns to the grid while the purple navigation switches between posts.
Section-Reveal and Animated Extension
The animation extension is part of the creative plugin, and is based on gsap.
Section-Transitions and Animated Extension
The animation extension is part of the creative plugin, and is based on gsap.
Accordion-Section and Animated Extension
The animation extension is part of the creative plugin, and is based on gsap.
Tabs-Section and Animated Extension
The animation extension is part of the creative plugin, and is based on gsap.
Section-Effects Horizontal and Animated Extension
1 Text animation in reveal heading motion Add Your Heading Text Here
Cursor interaction
Click here
Tooltip extension
Heading Text Click here
Section-Reveal in Query template
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tristique imperdiet purus, in ullamcorper lacus cursus vitae. Sed euismod arcu eu eros interdum luctus. Vestibulum sit amet massa congue, scelerisque mi id, luctus justo. Suspendisse ultricies varius lectus fermentum posuere. Sed scelerisque pharetra purus mattis gravida. Quisque et purus pellentesque, dictum ligula vel, egestas orci. […]
Accordion Section
Section 1Section 1 Add Your Heading Text Here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. This page is Amazing